DIY Needlepoint Coasters

It’s finally fall, even though it’s still 90 degrees where I live! All I want to do is fall festivities and create fall inspired crafts. What better than to make a needlepoint how to tutorial for a coaster?! This pattern looks so fancy, but it’s really not hard to do. Also it screams 70s bohemian vibes, and you know I’m all about that.
Materials Needed
- I cut out a 3 x 3 inch square of plastic needlepoint canvas. I made sure there were 24 x 24 squares to keep everything even.
- Medium weight yarn, your choice in color
- Scissors
Cashmere Needlepoint Stitch
The primary needlepoint stitch I used is a diagonal cashmere needlepoint stitch. You can also work it vertically, but I feel like it looks cools when it’s worked on the diagonal. I worked from the top left down.

Each line you work on the diagonal is staggered so that each “square” of the stitch butts up against the other stitches.

You’ll have blank spaces around the border where full squares of the cashmere stitch aren’t going to fit. You’ll just fill these in with single square diagonal stitches as you can see in the picture of the finished square.
Border Stitch
I’m not entirely sure what the correct name for this stitch is, but it ends up looking like a crochet stitch or blanket stitch. Take your thread and secure it to the back of the coaster using a knot or tucking the tail of the thread underneath the already stitched portion of the coaster.

Come up through the back of the coaster and catch the loop of thread and pull tight. You’ll want to make two stitches in the square on the corners to make sure it’s filled in enough.

I hope you enjoyed this quick craft! I think I’m going to make another coaster in a mustard yellow color.
Pin it for later!

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Amanda is a hand embroidery teacher and artist. With over 15 years of experience in the craft industry and embroidery, she owns and runs Crewel Ghoul, sharing accessible tutorials and patterns to help inspire fellow crafters to get creative. In addition to running this website, she teaches on Skillshare and Youtube.