The Best Way To Separate Embroidery Floss

Embroidery floss can be tricky to work with sometimes and easy to tangle. This method of separating embroidery floss is sure to prevent any tangling or knotting from occurring. This tutorial goes over the best way to separate embroidery floss that has 6 strands.

This post is a part of a series of posts about how to embroider for beginners.

Separating Embroidery Thread

best way to separate embroidery floss
  1. Pinch the end of the thread in between your thumb and forefinger. This will separate the strands of thread
  2. Take one strand in your other hand.
  3. Pinch the remaining thread in between your thumb and forefinger and pull the single strand of thread up.
  4. Continue to pull until the entire strand is separated. The thread will gather, but it should not tangle.

Everything You Need To Learn Embroidery In One Place

Any new skill can leave you feeling overwhelmed with where to start and let’s face it: your time is limited.

I created this guide with you in mind!

It has everything in it that you need to know to get started stitching. Comes with tips, material recommendations, and 6 fun projects that will build your confidence and allow you to not just learn the art of embroidery but have something to show for it!

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