DIY Floral Embroidered Brooch

You don’t have to limit yourself to only making embroidery hoop art. In fact, the beauty of embroidery is that it can be wearable too! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make an easy DIY floral embroidered brooch.

Supplies Needed

There are a wide variety of different embroidery brooches you can find online. They come in all shapes and sizes, but I particularly like these darker stained wood ones. I will link them in the supplies list!

***Be sure to test out any pen or marker you use before you get started to be sure it can be easily removed from the fabric.

Brooch Kits

If you’re unsure of what to stitch or you haven’t quite committed to the kind of brooch you’d like to use, purchasing a kit is another option. Check out some of these kits that have supplies and instructions in them!

Preparing The Fabric

embroidery brooch and fabric

Using a water soluble marker or pen, you’ll want to mark the fabric by tracing the inside of the brooch so you know how much area you have to work with.

Then you can mark out whatever design you’d like to stitch. I kept my design very simple. I just marked out lines for the flower petals and scattered them evenly throughout the oval. If you want some more ideas for embroidery stitches for flowers, check out this post.

Stitching The Flowers

stitching flowers onto fabric

I stuck with two simple stitches for the flowers. For the petals I made short straight stitches and then added a French knot in the center of each one.

assembling the embroidered brooch

Cut out the fabric, leaving a 1/2 inch margin of fabric around the marked oval.

Place the inner backing piece behind the fabric and make sure it is centered properly.

Loosen the screw of the outer ring and place the fabric and inner backing piece inside of the outer ring.

Once you’re happy with the placement and tension of the fabric, gently tighten the screw. Be VERY gentle with this. The wood is somewhat fragile and I have cracked these before on accident!

Finishing The Embroidered Brooch

securing the back onto an embroidered brooch

You can secure the extra fabric on the back with a running stitch or with glue. Then, if your brooch has a piece to cover the back, secure it with E6000 glue and allow it to dry overnight.

You can add a pin on the back of your embroidered brooch or add a chain to make it a necklace, and it’s ready to wear!

Want to learn about even more ways to wear your embroidery art? Check out this embroidered pocket tutorial.

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